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ETSON Eurosafe Conference


The ETSON Eurosafe conference has been organized in Paris, November 22nd and 23rd.

The participants had the choice between four seminars giving an overview of the latest developments and experience feedback in the following technical domains:

  • Nuclear installation safety assessment and research
  • Waste management, decommissioning, and disposal
  • Radiation Protection, Environment, and EP&R (including research)
  • Nuclear installation and materials security

ETSON Eurosafe Conference

After the technical workshops the ETSON “Junior Staff” organized the ETSON Award, won this year a team from ENEA and IRSN (Study of digital modelling for small modular reactor severe accident scenarios). The second day was the opportunity, via 3 high-level panels, to hold fruitful exchanges on strategic topics such as the role of the Public in enhancing Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, the upcoming challenges in Nuclear Safety Cooperation in Europe.

Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, introduced this conference, which was attended by nearly 180 participants.

During this event, Uwe Stoll, ETSON President, Director General of GRS, Germany was replaced by Michel Van haesendonck, ETSON Vice-president, Director General of Bel V, Belgium. He participated namely in a panel session related to the upcoming challenges in nuclear safety cooperation in Europe and beyond.